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New Hero Search Sheila Janelle Rivera
- Apr. 19, 2020 -

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Cook County Sheriff, Corrections Patch
Resided: IL, USA
Born: Unk  
Fallen: Apr. 19, 2020
Race/Sex: Indian-American Female / 47 yrs. of age
Dept: Cook County Sheriff's Office Corrections - IL
2800 S California Ave  
Chicago, IL   60608   USA
County: Cook
Dept. Type: County/Corrections
Hero's Rank: Officer
Sworn Date: Unk
FBI Class: Death - Biological
Weapon Class: COVID-19
Agency URL: Click Here
Badge: 16967
Bio: Officer Rivera had served with the Cook County Sheriff's Office - Department of Corrections for seven years and had previously served with the Choctaw Nation Police Department in Mississippi.


Cook County Deputy Sheriff Sheila Janelle Rivera was a kindhearted, hardworking, loving Christian who brought great joy, comfort, and happiness to all she touched. Her smile was radiant, undyingly brightening the day like sunshine, and we celebrate her life.

Sheila was born in Philadelphia, MS and was a proud member of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Tribe where she previously worked as a Choctaw Police Officer 'Possum'.

Sheila was an ordained Minister and a true servant of God. Sheila attended Choctaw Central H.S., Haskell Indian Nations University, University of Oklahoma 'GO SOONERS!!!'; she has a Master in Social Work from Washington University, St. Louis, MO. and a Master in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, Chicago, and she attended the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Police Academy.

Sheila's dream job was to work at Disney as a security guard. Disney was a place that brought her great joy and happiness and we know that she is in Disney Heaven greeting all who come with that brilliant smile and a warmhearted welcome.

Sheila overcame many obstacles and achieved every goal she set; however, in her own words, 'being Isaiah's mom is the greatest blessing for me'. Sheila leaves behind in body but never in spirit her adoring son Isaiah C. Rivera 'Nita' and her humbled loving husband Chicago Police Sergeant Noland Rivera. Yes, Sheila you were always #1.

Survived by:
Noland - Husband
Isaiah C. - Son
Fatal Incident Summary
Offender: No Info
Location:   Chicago,   Cook County, IL   USA
Summary: Correctional Officer Sheila Rivera died after contracting COVID-19 during an outbreak among inmates and correctional staff at the Cook County Jail at 2650 S. California Avenue in Chicago.


COVID-19, a flu-like virus, originated in Wuhan, China. Worth a mention, the Chinese Government, had a biological research facility in that very province. At this point, it was widely held that COVID-19 was a bat-coronavirus and the first case was discovered in Wuhan in Oct. 2019.

On Dec. 31, 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, with an unknown cause. Jan 7, 2020 Chinese authorities identify a new type of coronavirus (called novel coronavirus or nCoV).

Despite deaths and an entire Chinese Province(Hubei) quarantined by the Chinese Government, the World Health Organization(WHO) simply declares a global public-health emergency. Despite this serious understatement, on January 31st, President Trump bans foreign nationals from entering the US if they were in China within the prior two weeks. Despite a large public outcry of racism, this move likely saved 1000's of American lives, it would later be deemed.

After a full blown global infection, and an entire country being declared on 'Lockdown'(Italy), on March 11th, WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic. This same day, President Trump bans all travel from 26 European countries. On Mar. 13th, a US national emergency is declared over the novel coronavirus outbreak.

On Mar. 23rd, New York City confirms 21,000 cases, making it the biggest epicenter of the outbreak in the US. On Mar. 31, more than 1/3 of humanity is under some form of lockdown. On Apr. 2nd, the world passes one million COVID-19 infections.

On April 7th, roughly 95% of all Americans are under lockdown, as 42 states issue stay-at-home orders. The entire American economy has ground to a halt. Congress passed laws awarding trillions in grants, loans and other types of assistance to the American working population and businesses.

Source: Website      Click
Source: Website      Click
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